14 January 2016
Tags: haskell elm haskellelmspa
TweetMy journey into Elm and Haskell continues. It’s time to add database support.
Since episode 1 I’ve managed to implement simple CRUD features for the Artist entity of the Albums sample application. It’s been anything but plain sailing, but it’s been a blast so far. Trying to wrap my head around two new languages and their libraries in parallell is somewhat daunting. The journey would probably have been smoother if I took more time to learn the language proper. Learning by doing is at times frustrating, at the same time very rewarding when stuff finally works.
There seems to be a pretty close correlation between it compiles and it works when programming in Elm and Haskell
Added persistence support to the haskell/servant backend server using SQLite
REST API now supports POST, PUT, DELETE and GET (multiple/single) Artists
The Elm frontend has features for listing, deleting, updating and creating new artists
I’ve taken a bottom up approach to developing the features. For both the Frontend and the Backend I’ve implemented everything in one module. After that I’ve done pretty substantial refactorings into smaller modules while letting the respective compilers guide me along the way. So how did that work out ?
Pretty early on I managed to get halive to start working. Having live recompiling is really nice and seriously improved my workflow. I have very limited editor support because my editor (Light Table) currently doesn’t provide much in terms of haskell support. I was almost derailed with developing a Haskell plugin (or making the existing one work), but managed to keep on track.
During development of the spike for the previous episode I used a chrome plugin to get around CORS restrictions from my browser. Surely this has to be solvable ? Indeed it was, wai-cors to the rescue.
-- ...
, wai-cors
-- ...
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors
albumCors :: Middleware
albumCors = cors $ const (Just albumResourcePolicy) (1)
albumResourcePolicy :: CorsResourcePolicy (2)
albumResourcePolicy =
{ corsOrigins = Nothing -- gives you /*
, corsMethods = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTION"]
, corsRequestHeaders = simpleHeaders -- adds "Content-Type" to defaults
, corsExposedHeaders = Nothing
, corsMaxAge = Nothing
, corsVaryOrigin = False
, corsRequireOrigin = False
, corsIgnoreFailures = False
main :: IO ()
main = do
run 8081 $ albumCors $ app (3)
1 | Define wai cors middleware |
2 | Define a cors policy. This one is very lax. You wouldn’t want to use this for anything public facing as is |
3 | Apply the middleware to our app. Now cross origin headers are added and OPTION prefligh requests are supported. Nice |
Cors inspiration harvested from https://github.com/nicklawls/lessons btw |
I looked at a few different options for database support. Most examples and tutorials related to servant and database usage seems to favor persistent. I’m surely going to have a closer look at that, but my initial impression was that perhaps there was just a little bit to much going on there. Just a little bit to much "magic" ? Having lost my taste for ORM’s in the JVM spehere (hibernate in particular) I wanted to start with something closer to the metal.
So to make it a little harder for myself I went for the sqlite-simple library. Pretty happy with the choice so far.
-- ...
, sqlite-simple
-- ...
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import qualified Storage as S (1)
import qualified Api as A (2)
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import Servant
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Database.SQLite.Simple as Sql
app :: Sql.Connection -> Application
app conn = serve A.api (A.artistsServer conn) (3)
testConnect :: IO Sql.Connection
testConnect = Sql.open ":memory:" (4)
withTestConnection :: (Sql.Connection -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestConnection cb = (5)
withConn $ \conn -> cb conn
withConn = bracket testConnect Sql.close (6)
cors stuff omitted, already covered
main :: IO ()
main = do
withTestConnection $ \conn -> do
S.bootstrapDB conn (7)
run 8081 $ albumCors $ app conn (8)
1 | Module with functions for communication with the Albums database. Only used for bootstrapping with test data in main |
2 | Module that defines the webservice api |
3 | We make sure to pass a connection to our webservice server |
4 | For simplicity we are using an in memory database |
5 | Wrap a function (cb) giving it a connection and cleaning up when done |
6 | bracket ensures we also release the connection in case of any exceptions. |
7 | Creates schema and bootstraps with some sample data |
8 | Ensure we pass the connection to our app function |
Read more about the bracket pattern |
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Api where
import qualified Model as M (1)
import qualified Storage as S
import Data.Aeson
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Servant
import Database.SQLite.Simple as Sql
instance ToJSON M.Artist
instance FromJSON M.Artist
type ArtistAPI = (2)
Get '[JSON] [M.Artist]
:<|> ReqBody '[JSON] M.Artist :> Post '[JSON] M.Artist
:<|> Capture "artistId" Int :> Get '[JSON] M.Artist
:<|> Capture "artistId" Int :> ReqBody '[JSON] M.Artist :> Put '[JSON] M.Artist
:<|> Capture "artistId" Int :> Delete '[] ()
-- '
artistsServer :: Sql.Connection -> Server ArtistAPI (3)
artistsServer conn =
getArtists :<|> postArtist :<|> getArtist :<|> updateArtist :<|> deleteArtist
getArtists = liftIO $ S.findArtists conn (4)
getArtist artistId = liftIOMaybeToEither err404 $ S.artistById conn artistId
postArtist artist = liftIO $ S.newArtist conn artist
updateArtist artistId artist = liftIO $ S.updateArtist conn artist artistId
deleteArtist artistId = liftIO $ S.deleteArtist conn artistId
liftIOMaybeToEither :: (MonadIO m) => a -> IO (Maybe b) -> EitherT a m b
liftIOMaybeToEither err x = do (5)
m <- liftIO x
case m of
Nothing -> left err
Just x -> right x
type API = "artists" :> ArtistAPI
api :: Proxy API
api = Proxy
1 | The record definitions for our API lives in this module |
2 | We’ve extended the api type defintions from episode 1 to define the shape of get multiple, get single, post, put and delete. |
3 | Connection has been added as a parameter to our artist server |
4 | liftIO is a monad transformer. I’d love to be able to explain
how it works, but well… Anyways net result is that I don’t have to define EitherT ServantErr IO .. all over the place |
5 | liftIOMaybeToEither - what it says. Handy function to return a servant error (which again maps to a http error) if a function like getArtist doesn’t return
a result. Tx to ToJans for inspiration |
put aka update artist should also return a 404 when a non existing artist id is provided. Actually, error handling is pretty light throughout, but we’ll get back to that in a later episode ! |
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Model where
import GHC.Generics
data Artist = Artist (1)
{ artistId :: Maybe Int (2)
, artistName :: String (3)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
1 | Moved record defintions to a separate module. Currently just Artist |
2 | Make id optional. This is a quick and dirty way to be able to use the same record definiton for new artists as for updates and gets. |
3 | Names in records are not scoped withing the record so one solution is to manually make sure names stay unique. |
From what I gather record syntax is a bit clunky in Haskell (atleast when compared to Elm). This stackoverflow post didn’t bring any warm fuzzy feelings. If anyone has some better solutions which also plays well with the handy servant and SQLite simple functions feel free to leave a comment below ! |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Storage where
import qualified Model as M
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Database.SQLite.Simple as Sql
import Database.SQLite.Simple.Types as SqlTypes
instance Sql.FromRow M.Artist where (1)
fromRow = M.Artist <$> Sql.field <*> Sql.field
artistById :: Sql.Connection -> Int -> IO (Maybe M.Artist) (2)
artistById conn idParam =
findById conn "artist" idParam :: IO (Maybe M.Artist)
findArtists :: Sql.Connection -> IO [M.Artist]
findArtists conn =
Sql.query_ conn "select * from artist" :: IO [M.Artist]
newArtist :: Sql.Connection -> M.Artist -> IO M.Artist
newArtist conn artist = do
Sql.execute conn "insert into artist (name) values (?) " (Sql.Only $ M.artistName artist)
rawId <- lastInsertRowId conn
let updArtist = artist { M.artistId = Just (fromIntegral rawId) } (3)
return updArtist
-- Really we should check whether the artist exists here
updateArtist :: Sql.Connection -> M.Artist -> Int -> IO M.Artist
updateArtist conn artist idParam = do
Sql.executeNamed conn "update artist set name = :name where id = :id" params
return artist { M.artistId = Just idParam } (4)
params = [":id" := (idParam :: Int), ":name" := ((M.artistName artist) :: String)]
deleteArtist :: Sql.Connection -> Int -> IO ()
deleteArtist conn idParam =
Sql.execute conn "delete from artist where id = ?" (Sql.Only idParam)
findById :: (FromRow a) => Sql.Connection -> String -> Int -> IO (Maybe a)
findById conn table idParam = do
rows <- Sql.queryNamed conn (createFindByIdQuery table) [":id" := (idParam :: Int)]
let result = case (length rows) of
0 -> Nothing
_ -> Just $ head rows (5)
return result
createFindByIdQuery :: String -> SqlTypes.Query
createFindByIdQuery table =
SqlTypes.Query $ Txt.pack $ "SELECT * from " ++ table ++ " where id = :id" (6)
-- ... boostrap function left out, check the source repo for details
1 | Define SQLite row converter to create artist records for rows with id and name |
2 | Finding an artist by Id may return empty results. Prematurely factored out a generic findById function that is used here |
3 | Add the id of the newly inserted artist row to the resulting artist. (The Maybe artistId starts to smell) |
4 | Yuck, this smells even worse. The decision to support an optional id on the Artist record doesn’t ring true |
5 | Using let allows us to "work inside" the IO monad. Otherwise the compiler complains along the lines of Couldn’t match expected type β[r1]β with actual type βIO [r0]β |
6 | Whacking strings together is discouraged (helps avoid sql injection for one), but getting around it is possible with a little serimony |
Well now we got persistence up and running with a good ole' relational database. That’s not very exciting and I might return to change that in a future episode. The REST api is quite simple and lacking in validation and error handling, but it’s hopefully a decent start and foundation for future changes.
After working with Clojure and Leiningen not to long ago, the server startup time feels blistering fast in comparison. Getting halive to work made significant improvements to the development workflow. When working with Haskell I get a constant reminder that I would benefit from learning more about the language and fundemental concepts. The compiler messages still throws me off a lot of times, but the situation is gradually improving as I’m learning. I guess I’m already spoilt with the error messages from Elm which feels a lot clearer and better at highlighting the root cause(s) of my mistakes.
I’m still fumbling to design a sensible structure for the custom data types. I have a feeling several iterations will be needed as I add support for additional services.
It’s a shame the hot reloading support in elm-reactor is broken at the time of writing, otherwise the development experience
would have been a lot better. Make
→ reload browser
is just a keystroak away in Light Table, but still.
Having the informative compiler error and warning messages inline in my Editor is really nice though.
Do better understand the elm-architecture I’ve tried to follow, you should really check out the tutorial. It does a much better job at explaining the core concepts than I do. |
module Main where
import ArtistListing
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Task exposing (..)
import Effects exposing (Effects, Never)
import StartApp
type alias Model = (1)
{ artistListing : ArtistListing.Model}
type Action = (2)
| ArtistListingAction ArtistListing.Action
init : (Model, Effects Action) (3)
init =
(artistListing, fx) = ArtistListing.init
( Model artistListing
, Effects.map ArtistListingAction fx (4)
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model =
case action of
ShowHomePage -> (5)
(artistListing, fx) = ArtistListing.init
( {model | artistListing = artistListing}
, Effects.map ArtistListingAction fx
ArtistListingAction sub -> (6)
(artistListing, fx) = ArtistListing.update sub model.artistListing
( {model | artistListing = artistListing}
, Effects.map ArtistListingAction fx
menu : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
menu address model =
header [class "navbar navbar-default"] [
div [class "container"] [
div [class "navbar-header"] [
button [ class "btn-link navbar-brand", onClick address ShowHomePage ]
[text "Albums Crud"]
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div [class "container-fluid"] [
menu address model (7)
, ArtistListing.view (Signal.forwardTo address ArtistListingAction) model.artistListing
-- ... app, main and port for tasks left out, no changes since previous episode
1 | The main model composes the artistlisting page model |
2 | Actions for main, currently just holds the actions for ArtistListing + a convenience action to reset/show home page |
3 | The init function from ArtistListing returns it’s model and an effect (get artist from server task). We initialize the main model with the artistlisting model |
4 | We map the effect from ArtistListing to an Main module effect which is then handled by the startapp "signal loop" |
5 | Quick and dirty way to trigger showing of the artist listing page (re-initialized) |
6 | All ArtistListing actions are tagged with ArtistListingAction, we delegate to the update function for ArtistListing , update the main model accordingly and the map the returne effect |
7 | To get/create the view for ArtistListing we call it’s view function, but we need to ensure signals sent from ArtistListing makes it back to the main view mailbox address. Signal.forwardTo helps us create a forwarding address. |
Read more about Mailboxes, Messages and Addresses |
module ArtistListing (Model, Action (..), init, view, update) where
import ServerApi exposing (..) (1)
import ArtistDetail
-- ... other imports ommited
type Page = ArtistListingPage | ArtistDetailPage
type alias Model =
{ artists : List Artist
, artistDetail : ArtistDetail.Model
, page : Page}
type Action =
HandleArtistsRetrieved (Maybe (List Artist))
| SelectArtist (Int)
| DeleteArtist (Int)
| HandleArtistDeleted (Maybe Http.Response)
| ArtistDetailAction ArtistDetail.Action
| NewArtist
init : (Model, Effects Action)
init =
(artistDetail, fx) = ArtistDetail.init
( Model [] artistDetail ArtistListingPage
, getArtists HandleArtistsRetrieved (2)
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model =
case action of
HandleArtistsRetrieved xs -> (3)
( {model | artists = (Maybe.withDefault [] xs) }
, Effects.none
DeleteArtist id ->
(model, deleteArtist id HandleArtistDeleted)
HandleArtistDeleted res ->
(model, getArtists HandleArtistsRetrieved)
NewArtist -> (4)
update (ArtistDetailAction <| ArtistDetail.ShowArtist Nothing) model
SelectArtist id ->
update (ArtistDetailAction <| ArtistDetail.GetArtist id) model
ArtistDetailAction sub -> (5)
(detailModel, fx) = ArtistDetail.update sub model.artistDetail
( { model | artistDetail = detailModel
, page = ArtistDetailPage } (6)
, Effects.map ArtistDetailAction fx
-- ... artistView details ommitted for brevity
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div [class "content"] [
case model.page of (7)
ArtistListingPage ->
artistsView address model
ArtistDetailPage ->
ArtistDetail.view (Signal.forwardTo address ArtistDetailAction) model.artistDetail
1 | The ServerApi module exposes functions to interact with the backend server |
2 | getArtists HandleArtistsRetrieved calls the serverAPI with a action param, so that when the ajax/xhr callback finally makes in back into the elm signal loop, the update function is called with the action we want |
3 | Update the model with the list of artists retrieved (if any) |
4 | To show the artist detail page in "create" mode we create a ArtistDetailAction with the appropriate ArtistDetail.action |
5 | ArtistDetailAction sub actions are actions that are delegated to the actions of the ArtistDetail module. |
6 | Note that we change "page context" here so that the view function displays the appropriate page |
7 | Our naive page routing, just toggles display of pages by the page attribute of our model |
We’ve implemented a very simplistic page routing here. In a later episode we will refactor to something more managable for handling proper page routing.
This page handles update/creation of a single Artist. I’ll leave it to you to check out the details of the sample code on github.
module ServerApi where
import Json.Decode as JsonD exposing ((:=))
import Json.Encode as JsonE
import Effects exposing (Effects)
import Http
import Task
type alias ArtistRequest a = (1)
{ a | name : String }
type alias Artist =
{ id : Int
, name : String
baseUrl : String
baseUrl = "http://localhost:8081"
getArtist : Int -> (Maybe Artist -> a) -> Effects.Effects a
getArtist id action = (2)
Http.get artistDecoder (baseUrl ++ "/artists/" ++ toString id)
|> Task.toMaybe
|> Task.map action (3)
|> Effects.task
getArtists : (Maybe (List Artist) -> a) -> Effects a
getArtists action =
Http.get artistsDecoder (baseUrl ++ "/artists")
|> Task.toMaybe
|> Task.map action
|> Effects.task
createArtist : ArtistRequest a -> (Maybe Artist -> b) -> Effects.Effects b
createArtist artist action = (4)
Http.send Http.defaultSettings
{ verb = "POST"
, url = baseUrl ++ "/artists"
, body = Http.string (encodeArtist artist) (5)
, headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json")]
|> Http.fromJson artistDecoder
|> Task.toMaybe
|> Task.map action
|> Effects.task
-- .. the remaining services and encoding|decoding left out for brevity
1 | This type is an extensible record type. It allows our artist related services to be a little bit more generic and still keep a level of type checking |
2 | GET a single artist from our backend api. (Actually it returns and effect that will executa a task which upon callback will eventually call the update function in our app with the given action) |
3 | We’ve relented on type safety for actions by allowing it to be a generic param, but we gain some flexibility that allows our service to be usable in many different contexts |
4 | To take more control over http actions we use Http.send . It’s closer to the metal so it’s a little
bit more boilerplate. |
5 | Encode the artist (request) to a json string |
To see the remaining services and details of decoding and encoding please consolt the sample code on github.
We are beginning to see the resmblance of a Single Page Application. We have started to compose views and pages using the Elm Architecture. The app supports basic CRUD oparations for an Artist entity. Error handling is light, there is no validation and our routing solution is overly simplistic, but we’ll get to that soonish !
Working with Elm has been an absolute pleasure. The compiler messages really do help. Doing refactoring (without tests I might add) doesn’t feel anywhere near as scary as I’m used to from other languages. I’m starting to understand more about the Elm Architecture, but I’m still getting a little confused about the details of Signals, Tasks, Mailboxes, Effects etc. It’s coming to me gradually. The important thing is I can still be quite productive even though I don’t understand all the details.
I’m aware this blog post got way to long even though I tried to shave of some of the code from the code listings. I’ll have to try to take on smaller/more targeted chunks in future episodes.
Anyways. I’m staring to feel I’m getting somewhere now. Both with Haskell and Elm. Learning Haskell is by far the most challenging but getting my head around Functional Reactive Programming in Elm isn’t without challenges either. My motivation is still strong and I’m learning a ton of stuff.
Candidate areas to address for the next episode are; routing, validation, error handling and obviously more useful features. I’m thinking perhaps routing comes first, but we’ll see.