28 December 2015
Tags: haskell elm haskellelmspa
TweetJoin me on my journey into statically typed functional languages. I’ve been living a pretty happily dynamic life so far. What’s the fuzz with all those types ? What do they give me in a real life scenario (aka is it worth using for work gigs) ? I need to make an effort and try to figure some of this out. This blog series is an attempt to document some of my experiences along the way through a practical example.
A single page web application with crud features
Lots of types, refactoring and hopefully some testing
An evolving web-app github repo for your amusement or amazement
For quite some time I’ve been wanting to learn more about functional languages that are statically (and strongly) typed. What benefits do they really provide in practice and what are the downsides ? My background is a from quite a few years with Java, and the last 3-4 years I’ve been working mostly with Groovy, JavaScript and Clojure/ClojureScript. I’ve dabbled a little with Elm recently (minesweeper in Elm) , and I’ve tried to take on Haskell a couple of times (without much success I might add).
I mostly do web apps at work, so I figured I need to try and make something at least remotely similar to what I do in real life.
This is the point where I’ve run into analysis paralysis so many a time before. So I set out to create a crud app, but what shall I build. After some deliberation I settled on making something related to Music. You know Albums, Artists, Tracks and such. I have no idea what the end result will be, but to start off I’ll make a simple spike.
establish a base architecture
implement a simple feature: List artists
You will find the sample application code on github. There will be a tag for each blog post in the series |
I wanted to implement server component that would provide REST-services. There are quite a few options available for Haskell that can help with that. After some research and trials I ended up using Servant.
I just had to choose one, and Servant seemed like a nice fit for REST stuff and I managed to get it working without to much hazzle.
name: albums
synopsis: Albums rest backend
license: MIT
license-file: LICENSE
author: rundis
maintainer: mrundberget@hotmail.com
category: Web
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable albums
main-is: Main.hs (1)
base >= 4.7 && < 5
, either
, aeson >= 0.8 (2)
, servant (3)
, servant-server
, wai
, warp
hs-source-dirs: src (4)
default-language: Haskell2010
1 | The entry point for the application |
2 | Provides JSON support |
3 | The servant library that helps us create type safe rest services |
4 | The directory(ies) where the source code for our app resides |
For the purposes of this spike all haskell code will reside in Main.hs
. This will
surely not be the case as the app progresses.
If you wan’t to try out automatic reloading support, you may want to check out halive. Unfortunately I couldn’t get it to work on my machine (OS/X Maverick), but it might work our for you though :-) |
data Artist = Artist
{ artistId :: Int
, name :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
A simple type describing the shape of an Artist in our app.
instance ToJSON Artist (1)
type ArtistAPI = (2)
Get '[JSON] [Artist] (3)
:<|> Capture "artistId" Int :> Get '[JSON] Artist (4)
artistsServer :: Server ArtistAPI
artistsServer = getArtists :<|> artistOperations (5)
where getArtists :: EitherT ServantErr IO [Artist]
getArtists = return artists (6)
artistOperations artistId =
where viewArtist :: EitherT ServantErr IO Artist
viewArtist = artistById artistId (7)
1 | ToJSON is a type class. This line
basically is all we need to set up for json encoding an instance of our Artist type. |
2 | We describe our REST api using a type |
3 | Get on this api returns a list of Artists |
4 | Definition of how to get a single Artist by it’s id |
5 | The server type is the part where we descibe how we actually serve the api |
6 | The handler for listing artists. Currently it just returns a static list |
7 | The handler for retrieving a given artist by its id |
:<> is a combinator that ships with Servant. It allows us to combine the various parts
of our API into a single type.
artistById :: Int -> EitherT ServantErr IO Artist
artistById idParam =
case a of
Nothing -> left (err404 {errBody = "No artist with given id exists"}) (1)
Just b -> return b (2)
a = find ((== idParam) . artistId) artists (3)
1 | If the find (by id) in 3 returns Nothing (see Maybe monad). We return a 404 error with a custom body |
2 | Upon success return the given artist instance |
3 | Find a given artist by id from our List of artists |
EitherT - An either monad. Check out the description from the servant tutorial on EitherT
type API = "artists" :> ArtistAPI (1)
api :: Proxy API
api = Proxy (2)
app :: Application
app = serve api artistsServer (3)
main :: IO ()
main = run 8081 app (4)
1 | A generic type for our api. It let’s us combine multiple types, but the
main reason it’s factored out for now is to avoid repetion of the root path for our
api artists |
2 | TBH I haven’t grokked why this is needed, but it’s probably to do with some type magic ? |
3 | An "abstract" web application. serve gives us a WAI web application. I guess WAI is like a common API for Haskell Web applicaitons. |
4 | The main entry point for our application. It starts our web application on port 8081 (and uses warp behind the scene to do so.) |
To get the backend up and running, check out the readme for the sample application
Following the Servant tutorial it was quite easy to get a simple translated example to work. However I did start to struggle once I started to venture off from the tutorial. Some of it is obviously due to my nearly non-existing haskell knowledge. But I think what tripped me up most was the EitherT monad. Heck I still don’t really know what a monad is. The error messages I got along the way didn’t help me much, but I guess gradually they’ll make more and more sense, once my haskell foo improves.
So Elm is pretty cool. The syntax isn’t too far off from Haskell. I’ve already started looking at Elm so it makes sense continuing with Elm to hopefully gain deeper knowledge of its strenghts and weaknesses.
For a really pleasurable experience when developing elm I would suggest choosing an editor with linting support. As a shameless plug, one suggestion would be to use Light Table with my elm-light plugin. (Emacs, Vim, Sublime, Visual Code are other good options) |
"version": "1.0.0",
"summary": "The frontend for the Albums CRUD sample app",
"repository": "https://github.com/rundis/albums.git",
"license": "MIT",
"source-directories": [
"." (1)
"exposed-modules": [],
"dependencies": { (2)
"elm-lang/core": "3.0.0 <= v < 4.0.0",
"evancz/elm-effects": "2.0.1 <= v < 3.0.0",
"evancz/elm-html": "4.0.2 <= v < 5.0.0",
"evancz/elm-http": "3.0.0 <= v < 4.0.0",
"evancz/start-app": "2.0.2 <= v < 3.0.0"
"elm-version": "0.16.0 <= v < 0.17.0"
1 | For simplicity source files currently resides in the root folder of the project. This will change once the application grows |
2 | Initial set of dependencies used |
Before you start you may want to check out start-app. The frontend code is based on this.
type alias Artist = (1)
{ id : Int
, name : String
type alias Model = (2)
{ artists : List Artist}
type Action = ArtistRetrieved (Maybe (List Artist)) (3)
1 | Front end representation of Artist. You’ll notice it’s strikingly similar to it’s Haskell counterpart on the server side |
2 | Type for keeping track of our model. Currently it will only contain a list of artists, but there is more to come later |
3 | "Tagged type" that describes the actions supported in the frontend app. |
init : (Model, Effects Action)
init = (1)
( Model []
, getArtists
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model = (2)
case action of
ArtistRetrieved xs ->
( {model | artists = (Maybe.withDefault [] xs) }
, Effects.none
getArtists : Effects.Effects Action
getArtists = (3)
Http.get artists "http://localhost:8081/artists"
|> Task.toMaybe
|> Task.map ArtistRetrieved
|> Effects.task
artist : Json.Decoder Artist
artist = (4)
Json.object2 Artist
("artistId" := Json.int)
("name" := Json.string)
artists : Json.Decoder (List Artist)
artists = (5)
Json.list artist
1 | Initializer function called by start-app when staring the application
it returns an empty model and an effect getArtists . Meaning getArtists will be
invoked once the page is loaded |
2 | The update function handles actions in our app. Currently it only supports one action, and that is the a callback once getArtists have returned. It updates the model with the retrieved artists and returns the updated model |
3 | Our ajax call ! We invoke the our rest endpoint using the elm http library. The first
argument to Http.get, artists , tells elm how to decode the result.
A lot is going on here, but the end result is that it does an xhr request decodes the result (if success)
using the given decoder and eventually invoke the update function with our list of artists (wrapped in a Maybe). |
4 | A decoder for decoding the json representation of an artist from the server to and Artist type instance |
5 | The response from our rest endpoint is a list of artists, so we use the JSON.list function telling it to use our artist decoder for each item in the list |
artistRow : Artist -> Html
artistRow artist = (1)
tr [] [
td [] [text (toString artist.id)]
,td [] [text artist.name]
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model = (2)
div [class "container-fluid"] [
h1 [] [text "Artists" ]
, table [class "table table-striped"] [
thead [] [
tr [] [
th [] [text "Id"]
,th [] [text "Name"]
, tbody [] (List.map artistRow model.artists)
1 | Function to generate the view for a single artist row |
2 | Our main view function for presenting a list of artists |
We are not rendering dom nodes here, it’s just a representation of what we want to render. The actual rendering uses Virual DOM. |
app : StartApp.App Model
app = (1)
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, inputs = []
main : Signal Html
main = (2)
port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Never ())
port tasks = (3)
1 | Using startapp to wire up our core functions (init, update and view) |
2 | The entry point function for our frontend app |
3 | When communicating with the outside world elm uses ports. This is used for by our rest invocation. It does so using tasks which is the elm way to describe asynchronous operations. |
Elm ports, tasks and effects are concepts that are yet to dawn completely on me. I protect my brain temporarily by giving them overy simplistic explanations. I wasn’t sure how to do the JSON decoding stuff, but fired up an elm-repl in Light Table and just experiemented a little until I had something workable. I used the linter feature of my Light Table plugin quite heavily, and the error messages from elm proved yet again to be very helpful.
I pretty sure I could have knocked this up with Clojure/ClojureScript, groovy/grails or plan old JavaScript in a fraction of the time I’ve used. But that’s not really a fair or relevant comparison. Learning completely new languages and new libraries takes time. I think I’ve learned quite a bit already and I’m very pleased to have made it this far !
Elm was easier to get into than Haskell and the Elm compiler felt a lot more helpful to me than ghc (haskell compiler). I had a head start on Elm, but I do remember getting started with Elm felt a lot smoother than jumping into Haskell. I’m still very much looking forward to improving my haskell skills and I’m sure that will proove very valuable eventually.
So what’s up next? Not sure, but i think adding persistence and the facility to add/update artists might be next up. I will keep you posted !