15 September 2016

Tags: elm clojurescript javascript pegjs lighttable

Version 0.4.0 marks the first version of Elm Light that uses ASTs to enable more advanced IDE like features. This version includes features like; find usages, jump to definition, context aware auto-completer and some simple refactorings. It’s early days, but I’m in no doubt it will enable some pretty cool features going forward.

Evan Czaplicki the author of Elm has told the community on several occations not to block on something not being available from Elm. I’ll have to admit that I’ve been hoping for more tooling hooks from Elm for quite some time, an offical AST coupled with the Elm compiler would be super sweet. It’s definitely on the roadmap, but not a high priority for Elm (right now). My best bet would be to wait for the AST work put into elm-format to be made available. That might actually not be to far off. But several weeks ago I decided I wanted to give it a shot to do something simplified on my own. Mainly as a learning experience, but also to gather data for use cases that an AST can support and to learn a bit about parsing.

You’ll find a demo of the new features added in version 0.4.0 below. The rest of this post gives a brief description of my journey to create a parser and how I integrated that into the plugin.

You can find the elm-light plugin here

Creating a parser


It actually started a while back when I bought a book about parsers. It was almost 1000 pages. It turned out to be very uninspiring bed time reading. I guess I wasn’t motivated enough.

My only other experience with parsing since my University days was the stuff I did when porting rewrite-clj to ClojureScript. That ended up becoming rewrite-cljs, which I’ve used for some othere Light Table plugins I’ve created. But the syntax of Clojure is comparatively simple and also I did a port, so I can’t really claim any credits for the actual parsing anyways.

In the Clojure world I’ve used InstaParse which is a really neat library to build parsers. It also has a ClojureScript port, which I though would be good fit for Light Table. I found an old BNF for Elm called elm-spoofax, so I thought. Let’s give it a go. I spent a good week or so to get something that seemed to parse most Elm files I threw at it and provided a tree of nodes which looked fairly decent to work with. However I hadn’t read the README for the CLJs port that will and hadn’t really reflected on what an order of magnitude slower that it’s Clojure big brother actually meant. With a couple of hundred lines I started seeing parse-times nearing a second. I’m sure it could be optimized and tuned somewhat, but it was way off the mark of what I was going to need for continuos as you type parsing.

Back to the drawing board. I started looking at a ton of alternatives. Parser generators and parser combinators etc etc.

Enter PEG.js

After trying out a few parser generators I came across PEG.js. It looked approachable enough to me and they even had a nice online tool. So I set out on my way and decided to keep it simple. Just parse top level definitions. Spent a few days to get an initial version up and running. It was time to give it a performance test. YAY, for most files I got < 10ms parse times for some quite big ones (thousands of lines) I started seeing 100ms parse times. It still seemed worth pursuing. So I did !

PEG.js is a simple parser generator. It supports a syntax that is BNF like, but you can smatter it with some JavaScript when appropriate. It also has nice error reporting and a few other nifty features.
module                                           (1)
  = declaration:moduledeclaration EOS
      return {
      	moduledeclaration: declaration,
        imports: imports,
        declarations: toplevel

moduledeclaration                               (2)
  = type:(type:("effect" / "port") __ { return type; })? "module" __ name:upperIds __ exposing:exposing
      return {
        type: (type||"" + " module").trim(),
        name: name,
        exposing: exposing

// .. etc
1 The top level rule. It sort of looks like BNF, but you’ll also notice some JavaScript
2 The rule for parsing the module declaration, which again uses other rules, which again …​

I basically used a process of looking at this old Elm BNF as inspiration and then adjusting along the way. The PEG.js online tool was really helpful during this work.

Why a JavaScript parser generator ?

Well Light Table is based on Electron. So it’s basically a node server with a browser client build in. Having a parser that plays seemlessly with the basic building blocks of the browser is both convenient and practical in terms of distribution. I can just require the parser as a node module and off we go.

The second reason is that for example my Haskell foo is not up to scratch. I would love to do it in Elm but current Elm combinator libraries just doesn’t provide enough building blocks for me to see this as a competive or realistic alternative quite yet.

Designing for As You Type Parsing (AYTP ?)

The general idea I had was to design with the following in mind - Parsing everything (including 3.rd party packages) when connecting, is a bearable price to pay to ensure everything is hunky dory and good to go once you are connected - The design should support file changes not only from actions in the editor, but also from any outside process - Things generally have to be asynchronous to ensure the Editor stays responsive at all times - Only introduce (persistent) caching if there is no way around it

Listening for changes

To support parsing whenever a file changes or whenever you install or remove a package in your Elm projects I opted for using Chokidar. Elmjutsu - an excellent Elm plugin for Atom provided me with the inspiration here.

Each Elm project in Light Table will get it’s own node process running Chokidar. Whenever the appropriate events are fired, it will parse the file(s) needed and notify the Elm plugin editor process with the results.

The code for initiating the watcher
  var watcher = chokidar.watch(['elm-package.json',                    (1)
                                '**/*.elm'], {
    cwd: process.cwd(),
    persistent: true,
    ignoreInitial: false,
    followSymlinks: false,
    atomic: false

  watcher.on("raw", function(event, file, details) {                   (2)
    var relFile = path.relative(process.cwd(), file);
    var sourceDirs = getSourceDirs(process.cwd());

    if(relFile === "elm-stuff/exact-dependencies.json") {
      if ( event === "modified") {
        parseAllPackageSources();                                      (3)
      if (event === "deleted") {
          type: "packagesDeleted"

    if (isSourceFile(sourceDirs, file) && event === "modified") {
      parseAndSend(file);                                              (4)

    if (isSourceFile(sourceDirs, file) && event === "deleted") {
        file: file,
        type: "deleted"

    if (isSourceFile(sourceDirs, file) && event === "moved") {
      if (fileExists(file)) {
      } else {
          file: file,
          type: "deleted"

  elmGlobals.watcher = watcher;
1 Start the watcher
2 To be able to handle renames and a few othere edge cases I ended listening for raw avents from Chokidar
3 Whenever this elm file changes is very likely that’s due to a package install, update or delete of some kind The time spent for parsing all package sources is proportionally small compared to the time spent on a package install so this "brute-force" approach actually works fine.
4 Parsing a single file on change and notifying the editor process with the results is the common case

Caching the ASTs

In the Elm Light plugin Editor part, a Clojure(Script) atom is used to store all projects and their ASTs. Not only does it store AST’s for you project files, but it also stores ASTs for any 3.rd party packages your project depends on. That means that it does use quite a bit of memory, but profiling sugggest it’s not too bad actually. The great thing now is, that I have a Clojure datastructure I can work with. Slice and dice, transform and do all kinds of stuff with using the full power of the clojure.core API. Super powerful and so much fun too :-)

But what about this parsing as you type then ?

Well for every open Elm editor, there is a handler for parsing the editors content and update the AST atom. Again the actually parsing is performed in a node client process, otherwise the editor would obviously have ground to a halt.

It looks something like this:
(behavior ::elm-parse-editor-on-change                               (1)
          :desc "Parse a connected elm editor on content change"
          :triggers #{:change}
          :debounce 200                                              (2)
          :reaction (fn [ed]
                      (object/raise ed :elm.parse.editor)))          (3)

(behavior ::elm-parse-editor                                         (4)
          :desc "Initiate parsing of the content/elm code of the given editor"
          :triggers #{:elm.parse.editor :focus :project-connected }
          :reaction (fn [ed]
                      (when (not (str-contains (-> @ed :info :path) "elm-stuff"))
                        (let [client (get-eval-client-if-connected ed :editor.elm.ast.parsetext)
                             path (-> @ed :info :path)]

                         (when (and client
                                  (= (pool/last-active) ed))

                           (clients/send client                     (5)
                                         {:code (editor/->val ed)}
                                         :only ed))))))

(behavior ::elm-parse-editor-result                                 (6)
          :desc "Handle parse results for a parsed editors content"
          :triggers #{:editor.elm.ast.parsetext.result}
          :reaction (fn [ed res]
                      (if-let [error (:error res)]
                          (object/update! ed [:ast-status] assoc :status :error :error error)
                          (object/raise ed :elm.gutter.refresh))
                        (let [path (-> @ed :info :path)]
                          (object/update! ed [:ast-status] assoc :status :ok :error nil)

                          (elm-ast/upsert-ast! (-> (get-editor-client ed) deref :dir)  (7)
                                               {:file path
                                                :ast (:ast res)})
                          (object/raise ed :elm.gutter.exposeds.mark)))

                      (elm-ast/update-status-for-editor ed)))
1 This the behaviour (think runtime configurable event handler) that triggers parsing whenever the editor contents change.
2 Parsing all the time is not really necessary for most things, so a debounce has been defined to not spam the node client
3 We delegate to the behaviour below which is a more generic trigger parsing behavior
4 This behavior is responsible for sending off a parse request to the node client
5 We send the parse request to the node client
6 Once the node client process has finished parsing this behviour will be triggered with the result
7 We update the AST atom with the AST for this particular combination of project and file represented by the editor
We only update the AST on succesful parses. A lot of the time when typing the editor contents will naturally not be in a correct state for parsing. We always keep track of the last valid state, so that allows the plugin to still provide features that doesn’t necessarily need an completely current AST.

There is always an exception

Things was working quite well initially, managed to get several features up and running. But when I started to rewrite the auto completer from using elm-oracle I hit a few killer problems; - The contiuous parsing started to tax the editor to the point that things became unusable - With debouncing I didn’t have accurate enough results to provide a proper context for context aware completions - I discovered general performance problems in how I’ve written my ClojureScript code - For large files synchrounous parsing was out of the question

Auto completers are tricky and doing it synchronous was proving useless for Elm files larger than a few hundred lines. Back to the drawing board.


So providing hints for the autocompleter definitely has to happen asynchronously. But even that was to taxing for larger files and AST. So I spent quite some time optimizing the ClojureScript code. Turning to JavaScript native when that was called for. Heck I even threw in memoization a couple of places to get response times down. Even turning JSON into EDN (clojure data format) had to be tweaked to become performant enough. The whole process was quite challenging and fun. There are still things to be tuned, but I’ll wait and see what real usage experience provides in terms of cases worth optimizing for.

Partial synchronous partial parsing

The autocompleter is async, but for some cases it turned out to be feasible to do a partial parse of the editors contents. PEG.js has a feature to support multiple start rules, so I ended up defining a start rule that only parses the module declaration and any imports. That allowed the context sensitive hints for module declartions and imports to have a completely up to date AST (well as long as it’s valid) and at the same time keep the autocompleter responsive enough.

Really large files

Depending on who you ask, you might get a different definition, but to me Elm files that are several thousand lines are large. So hopefully they are more the exception than the rule. But for files of that size the autocompleter will be a little slugish. Not too bad (on my machine!), but you will notice it.

If you experience this, do let me know. And also be aware that turning off the auto-completer is deffo and option and easy for you to do. The guide contains instructions for how to do that.


It would be really neat if I could refactor in the AST itself and just "print" the update result back to the editor. However with the complexities of the AST already, the fact that I’m not even parsing everything yet and all interesing challenges with an indentation sensitive language with lot’s of flexibility in terms of comments and whitespace…​ Well that’ll have to be a future enterprise.

That’s not entirly true though. For a couple of the features I sort of do that, but only for a select few nodes of the AST, and the change is not persited to the AST atom (think global database of ASTs). So it’s like a one-way dataflow:

  • get necessary nodes from AST atom

  • update the node(s)

  • print to editor

  • editor change triggers AST parsing for editor

  • node client notifies editor behaviour responsible for updating the AST atom

  • AST Atom gets updated

  • The AST atom is up to date, but slightly after the editor

(behavior ::elm-expose-top-level
          :desc "Behavior to expose top level Elm declaration"
          :triggers #{:elm.expose.top.level}
          :reaction (fn [ed]
                      (let [path (-> @ed :info :path)
                            prj-path (project-path path)
                            module (elm-ast/get-module-ast prj-path path)             (1)
                            exposing (-> module :ast :moduleDeclaration :exposing)]   (2)

                        (when-let [decl (elm-ast/find-top-level-declaration-by-pos    (3)
                                            (editor/->cursor ed)
                          (when-not (elm-ast/exposed-by-module? module (:value decl))
                            (let [{:keys [start end]} (elm-ast/->range (:location exposing))
                                  upd-exp (elm-ast/expose-decl decl exposing)         (4)
                                  pos (editor/->cursor ed)
                                  bm (editor/bookmark ed pos)]
                              (editor/replace ed                                      (5)
                                              (elm-ast/print-exposing upd-exp))
                              (safe-move-cursor ed bm pos)))))))
1 Get the AST root node for the module the current editor represents
2 From that retrieve the exposing node (this is the one we want to update)
3 Find the declaration to expose based on where the cursor is placed in the editor
4 Update the exposing AST node to also expose the given declaration in <3>
5 Overwrite the exposing node in the editor, that works because we have the current location of it already :-)

Once the editor is changed, the normal process for updating the global AST atom is triggered.

Summary and going forward

Writing a parser (with the help of a parser generator) has been a really valuable learning experience. After my failed attempt with InstaParse, it’s hard to describe the feeling I had when I saw the numbers from my PEG.js based implementation. I tried to talk to my wife about it, but she couldn’t really see what the fuzz was all about !

I’ll continue to make the parser better, but the plan isn’t to spend massive amounts of time on making that perfect. I’d rather turn my attention on trying to help the Elm community and it’s tooling people access to an AST on stereoids. My bet is that the AST from elm-format is going to be the way forward, so I’ll try to help out here. Hopefully my own experience will be useful in this process.

I’m pretty sure I can carry on to make some pretty cool features with the AST i already have, so there will defininetely be some cool stuff coming in Elm Light in the near future regardless of what happens in the AST space and tooling hooks for Elm in general.

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