
12 June 2015
Tags: clojure clojurescript lighttable
TweetWow! Implementing my own paredit plugin for Light Table. How (and why) on earth did I end up doing that ?
A few months back I set forth on a mission trying to bring some proper Clojure refactoring support to Light Table through the clj-light-refactor plugin. One of the first features I implemented was a threading refactoring using clojure.zip and cljs.reader. It quickly became evident that both clojure.zip and cljs.reader put severe limitations on what I would be able to implement. The reader is quite limited in terms of the syntaz it allows and using a plain zipper would make it incredibly tedious in terms of handling formatting (whitespace, newlines and comments etc).
The experience of using a zipper for refactoring was really appealing to me, but I needed something way better to be able to do anything really useful. I put the whole thing on the backburner for a while, until I stumbled upon rewrite-clj. It looked like just the thing I needed, however it had no ClojureScript support though. After weeks of deliberation I decided to write a ClojureScript port, aptly named rewrite-cljs.
The ParEdit support in Light Table is somewhat limited, a few plugins to remedy that has been implemented none of which are actively maintained or easily extendable. They all focus on the editor, text and moving braces around.
Could I make something a lot more structured for Light Table, where the focus is on navigating and moving proper clojure code nodes in a virtual AST ? If Light Table falls over and dies, will all my efforts have been in vain ?
Well I present to you parembrace a slightly different take on implementing a paredit plugin for Light Table using rewrite-cljs for most of it’s heavy lifting |
My first challenge was that the default reader in ClojureScript, cljs.reader, only supports a subset of of valid clojure code. Things like anonymous functions and other reader macros are not supported. I had to address that before I could even consider trying to do a port of rewrite-clj.
Luckily I found most of what I needed in the clojurescript-in-clojurescript project. It even supported a IndexingPUshBackReader which was essential for retaining source positional information about the nodes in a zipper. I had to hack around it a little bit, but nearly everything I needed was in place. Yay !
I ended up bundling the modded reader in rewrite-cljs btw. |
I won’t bore you with the details here, but it was mostly pretty straight forward. While I was at it, I opted for extending its' features somewhat:
I added bounds meta information for all nodes (start - end coordinates)
Finder functions to locate nodes by a given position in the underlying source
A paredit namespace
The paredit namespace should probably be factored out to a separate lib. I really shouldn’t bloat rewrite-cljs unnecessarily. |
Whan creating(/aka porting) rewrite-cljs my intention was always to ensure that it was reusable from many other contexts than my own client libs/apps. Whether I’ve succeeded with that I guess is yet to be proven !
It’s used from parembrace and clj-light-refactor, but I see no reason why you wouldn’t be able to reuse it from say the Atom editor or your somewhat overly ambitious fully structural ClojureScript SPA editor project.
It quickly became evident that parsing all code in an editor to a rewrite-cljs zipper structure for every paredit editor action wouldn’t be usable for files beyond 100-200 lines of code. For now I have to settle for the inconvenience of working within the context of top level forms. Having used the plugin during it’s development for a couple of weeks now, that’s not really a problem 99 % if the time (at least for me that is).
Let me run you through an example. Paredit raise-sexpr
(dynamic-wind in (lambda () |body) out) ; ->
(dynamic-wind in |body out) ; ->
(defn raise [zloc] (1)
(if-let [containing (z/up zloc)]
(z/replace containing (z/node zloc)) (2)
zloc)) (3)
1 | zloc is a the zipper node we wish to raise. From the example above the body token node |
2 | If zloc has a parent node (seq), then we replace the parent node with the node at zloc |
3 | If zloc has no parent, we can’t raise we just return zloc |
(ns foo-bar
(:require [rewrite-clj.zip :as z]
[rewrite-clj.paredit :as pe])
(-> (z/of-string "(dynamic-wind in (lambda () body) out)") (1)
(pe/find-by-pos {:row 1 :col 29}) (2)
pe/raise (3)
z/root-string) (4)
1 | Create a clojure zipper with rewrite nodes for the initial code |
2 | Locate zloc, a pointer to the body node in our instance |
3 | Raise (twice to produce the end result) |
4 | Wrap up the zipper and return it’s stringified representation |
The generic function for invoking paredit commands in parembrace looks something like the this:
(defn paredit-cmd [ed f]
(let [pos (editor/->cursor ed)
form (u/get-top-level-form ed) (1)
zloc (positioned-zip pos form)] (2)
(when zloc
(editor/replace ed (:start form) (:end form) (-> zloc f z/root-string)) (3)
(editor/move-cursor ed pos) (4)
(format-keep-pos ed)))) (5)
1 | Get the top-level form at given position |
2 | Given form an position in LT terms, create a zipper and position it at node with given position |
3 | Replace the form in editor with the rewritten form after applying paredit/zipper function f |
4 | The positioning isn’t quite as trivial as this with depth changing commands |
5 | Format the form nicely |
For raise, f would in our example be a reference to
which would given you:
Let me know if that is something you would find useful |
(behavior ::raise! (1)
:triggers #{:parembrace.raise!}
:reaction (fn [ed]
(paredit-cmd ed pe/raise)))
(cmd/command {:command :parembrace.raise (2)
:desc "Parembrace: Raise"
:exec (fn []
(when-let [ed (pool/last-active)]
(object/raise ed :parembrace.raise!)))})
1 | The behavior here strictly speaking isn’t needed, but it provides a means to scope the feature to only be available for editors tagged as clojure editors |
2 | The commands are there for you to be able to either execute from the command bar, or for mapping a keyboard shortcut |
A large percentage of the features in the paredit reference card has been implemented. Some features behave slightly different, and there are a couple of novel nuggets there as well. All is not well though. Cursor positioning needs improving and performance needs to be tweaked.
What does the future hold ? Well I’m planning on implementing the missing features and I’m sure I’ll add a few more useful nuggets too. The most important thing I aim to provide is a clear pluggable way of extending and modifying features to allow you to customize parembrace to your liking.
I believe rewrite-cljs already has paid off multiple times. I can’t thank xsc enough for writing rewrite-clj. It’s really awesome and without it I’d still be fumbling around with parsers and what-not. I can reuse rewrite-cljs from both parembrace and clj-light-refactor. In the latter not only can I start implementing cool code refactoring features, but I can do things like structurally traverse and rewrite the project.clj file. I can’t wait to get started… well I have to wait because I’m moving to a new house, but after that…
If you are a Light Table user, do take Parembrace for a spin and let me know what you think ! |