14 March 2016

Tags: elm clojurescript lighttable

The elm-light plugin provides a pretty useful featureset for developing elm applications. Until now all features have been implemented using a combination of ClojureScript and JavaScript. But wouldn’t it be cool if the plugin implemented Elm features using Elm where that’s feasible ? Elm compiles to JavaScript and JavaScript interop in ClojureScript is quite easy so it shouldn’t be that hard really.

If nothing else I thought it would be a fun challenge, so I set forth and decided to implemented a simple module browser for Elm projects.

Elm for the UI

In Elm it’s recommended that you follow The Elm Architecture (AKA: TEA). You model your Elm application and components into 3 separate parts; Model, View and Update. The easiest way to get started with implementing something following TEA is using the start-app package.


Quite often you’ll find that you start by thinking about how to design your model. This was also the case for me when developing the module browser.

type alias Model =                     (1)
  { allModules : List Modul
  , filteredModules : List Modul
  , searchStr : String
  , selected : Maybe Modul

type alias Modul =                     (2)
  { name : String
  , file : String
  , packageName : String
  , version : String
1 The model is quite simple and contains; a list of all modules, the currently filtered modules, the search string entered by the user and the currently selected module
2 Since Module is a reserved word in Elm the type used for representing a project Module is doofily named Modul.
For more info about what Elm modules are check out the elm-guides


Update is where we actually implement the logic of our Elm application. I won’t cover all the details, but let’s walk through the most important bits.

type Action                                             (1)
  = NoOp
  | Filter String
  | Prev
  | Next
  | Select
  | ClickSelect String
  | Close
  | Refresh (List Modul)

update : Action -> Model -> ( Model, Effects Action )  (2)
update action model =
  case action of
    NoOp ->                                            (3)
      ( model, Effects.none )

    Filter str ->                                      (4)
        filtered =
          filterModules str model.allModules

        sel =
          List.head filtered
        ( { model
            | searchStr = str
            , filteredModules = filtered
            , selected = sel
        , Effects.none

    Prev ->                                           (5)
      ( { model | selected = prevModule model }
      , notifyChangeSelection

    Next ->
      ( { model | selected = nextModule model }
      , notifyChangeSelection

    Select ->                                         (6)
      case model.selected of
        Nothing ->
          ( model, Effects.none )

        Just x ->
          ( model
          , notifySelect x.file

    ClickSelect file ->                               (7)
      ( model
      , notifySelect file

    Close ->                                          (8)
      ( model, notifyClose )

    Refresh modules ->                                (9)
      ( Model modules modules "" (List.head modules)
      , Effects.none
1 The actions that causes changes to the model is represented by a Union Type called Action. If you’re not sure what union type means, think of it as a Enum on stereoids.
2 The update function takes an action and the current model as parameters and returns a tuple of an (possibly) updated model and an Effect. Effects are basically things that have side-effects (http/ajax, interacting with the browser etc). We treat an effect like a value in the application, the Elm runtime takes care of actually executing it.
3 NoOp is just that. It’s handy when initializing the app and also for mapping effects to when there are effects that we don’t care about in the context of this update function
4 Whenever the user changes the search string input the Filter action is called. It uses a filterModules helper function to filter modules with names starting with the given search string. We default the selected module to the first in the filtered results. The model is NOT mutated, rather we return a new updated model. Elm keeps track of our global model state !
5 Prev and Next selects/highlights the next/previous module given the currently selected one. The notifyChangeSelection function call results in an effect that allows us to communicate with the ClojureScript part of the module browser feature. We’ll get back to that further on.
6 The Select action is triggered when the users presses Enter. It selects the module and should ultimately result in opening the Elm Module file. Again to make that happen we need to communicate with our ClojureScript backend. This is achived through the notifySelect helper function.
7 ClickSelect is similar to Select but handles when the user uses the mouse to select a module.
8 Close - When the user presses the escape key, the module browser should close. Again we need to notify the ClojureScript backend
9 To populate the Module browser ui with modules the Refresh action is called. This action is actually triggered by our ClojureScript backend.

Before we dive into more details about the interop with ClojureScript, let’s quickly go through the view rendering logic.


The view part in Elm is also entirely functional and you as an application developer never touches the DOM directly. Given the current Model you tell Elm what the view should look like, and Elm (through the use of Virtual DOM) takes care of efficiently updating the DOM for you.

The view for the module browser is really quite simple and consist of a search input field and an ul for listing the modules.

view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html                                     (1)
view address model =
    [ class "filter-list" ]                                                       (2)
    [ searchInputView address model
    , ul
        (List.map (\m -> itemView address m model) model.filteredModules)         (3)

searchInputView : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html                          (4)
searchInputView address model =
    options =
      { preventDefault = True, stopPropagation = False }

    keyActions =
      Dict.fromList [ ( 38, Prev ), ( 40, Next ), ( 13, Select ), ( 27, Close ) ] (5)

    dec =
      (Json.customDecoder                                                         (6)
        (\k ->
          if Dict.member k keyActions then
            Ok k
            Err "not handling that key"

    handleKeydown k =                                                             (7)
      Maybe.withDefault NoOp (Dict.get k keyActions) |> Signal.message address
    input                                                                         (8)
      [ value model.searchStr
      , class "search"
      , type' "text"
      , placeholder "search"
      , on "input" targetValue (\str -> Signal.message address (Filter str))
      , onWithOptions "keydown" options dec handleKeydown

itemView : Signal.Address Action -> Modul -> Model -> Html
itemView address mod model =                                                     (9)
    pipeM =                                                                      (10)
      flip Maybe.andThen

    itemClass =                                                                  (11)
        |> pipeM
            (\sel ->
              if (sel == mod) then
                Just "selected"
        |> Maybe.withDefault ""
      [ class itemClass
      , onClick address (ClickSelect mod.file)
      [ p [] [ text mod.name ]
      , p [ class "binding" ] [ text (mod.packageName ++ " - " ++ mod.version) ]
1 The main view function takes an Address and the current Model as input and returns a virtual HTML that represents the UI we want rendered. In Elm we use something called mailboxes to respond to user interactions. Check out the note section below for more details if you’re interested. In short the address param is the address to a given mailbox. Elm picks up any messages in the mailbox, handles them and ultimately the results flow back to our application through the previously described update function.
2 All HTML tags have a corresponding function and all follow the same pattern. The first argument is a list of attributes, the second is a list of sub elements.
3 The beauty of everything being a function (as opposed to templating languages) is that you have the full power of the language to construct your view. Map, filter, reduce etc to your heart’s content.
4 The searchInputView function renders the search input field. This is where most of the user interaction stuff happens so it’s naturally the most complex part of the UI.
5 We use the Dict type to represent key/values. Think map if you’re from a Clojure background! The keyActions map lists the keycode and update action combo we are interested in handling.
6 We want to intercept just the given keyCodes everything else should flow through and update the searchStr in our model. To support that we need to implement a custom decoder for the keydown event.
7 You can read handleKeydown as follows, if the keyCode lookup for the given k returns an Action use that otherwise use the default NoOp action. The result from that is used as the last param of the Signal.message function. (In Clojure terms you can think of |> as thread-last). Signal.message sends the given action to the given address.
8 The search input handles changes to the input by triggering the Filter action with a payload which is the current value of the input. To handle the special characters we handle the keydown event using the local helper function we outlined in <7>.
9 itemView constructs the view for each individual item. Most of the logic here is related to giving the currently selected item it’s own css class.
10 Maybe.andThen is a function to help you chain maybes. (There is no such thing as null/nil in Elm !). flip flips the order of the two first arguments, and we do it to allow us to chain calls using the |> operator
11 If an item is selected and the selected item is the same as the current module being rendered then the class should be selected in all other cases the class is an empty string.
To understand more about Mailboxes, Addresses and the term Signal in Elm. You might want to check out the relevant Elm docs or maybe this nice blog post

Interop with ClojureScript using Ports

Interop with JavaScript in Elm goes through strict boundaries and use a mechanism called ports. The strict boundary is in place to ensure that you can’t get runtime exceptions in Elm (due to nulls, undefined is not a function, type mismatches etc etc). At first it feels a little bit cumbersome, but really the guarantees given from Elm makes up for it in the long run. Big time.

The following blog post really helped me out when doing the ports stuff; "Ports in Elm"
-- Inbound

modzSignal : Signal Action                     (1)
modzSignal =
  Signal.map Refresh modzPort

port modzPort : Signal (List Modul)            (2)

-- Outbound

selectMailbox : Signal.Mailbox String          (3)
selectMailbox =
  Signal.mailbox ""

port select : Signal String                    (4)
port select =

changeSelectionMailbox : Signal.Mailbox ()     (5)
changeSelectionMailbox =
  Signal.mailbox ()

port changeSelection : Signal ()               (6)
port changeSelection =

closeMailbox : Signal.Mailbox ()
closeMailbox =
  Signal.mailbox ()

port close : Signal ()
port close =
1 Signals are basically values that changes over time. A signal always has a value. If you remember our update function, it takes an Action as the first argument. To allow our incoming module list to trigger an update we need to convert the value we receive from the modzPort to a Refresh action (with a payload which is a List of Modul records)
2 modzPort is a port which is a Signal that receives values from outside of Elm. Typically JavaScript or in our instance ClojureScript. A Signal always has a value, so you will see that we need to provide an initial value when we start the elm app from ClojureScript later on.
3 When using the Elm start app package we typically use mailboxes to achieve (side-) effects. So to send messages to JavaScript (or ClojureScript!) we create an intermediary mailbox to communicate through an outgoing port. When we select a module in the module browser we send the file name of the module we wish to open and the type of the file name is String. Hence the Mailbox is a mailbox for string messages.
4 The select port is a Signal of Strings (file names) that we can subscribe to from JavaScript(/ClojureScript). You can think of it as an Observable (in RxJs terms) or maybe simpler an event emitter if you like.
5 () in Elm means the same as void or no value.
6 When the user changes which module is selected/hightlighted we don’t care about the value, in this instance we just need to know that the user changed their selection

Wiring up Elm with Start app

app : StartApp.App Model                       (1)
app =
    { init = init
    , update = update
    , view = view
    , inputs = [ modzSignal ]                  (2)

main : Signal Html                             (3)
main =

port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Never ())       (4)
port tasks =
1 StartApp.start takes care of wiring up our Elm application. init creates an initial empty Model, the other functions we have already described.
2 StartApp also takes an inputs argument, here we need to remember to add our modzSignal so that it is picked up and handled by StartApp.
3 main is the entry point for any Elm application.
4 Elm executes side effects through something called tasks I won’t go into details here, but just remember to add this incantation when using StartApp.

Wrapping up the Elm part

Right so that wes pretty much all there is to the Elm part. Of course we also need to remember to compile the Elm code to JavaScript before we can use it from Light Table. To do that we use the elm-make executable that comes with the elm-platform installation

I can assure you that I didn’t get a single run time exception whilst developing the Elm part. It did get lots of helpful compiler errors along the way, but as soon as the compiler was happy the Elm application ran just as expected. It’s hard to describe the experience, but trust me, it’s certainly worth a try ! To be able to easily test and get visual feedback along the way I set up a dummy html page.

Ok let’s move on to the ClojureScript part were we hook the ui up to the Light Table plugin.

ClojureScript and Light Table

Generating the list of Elm Modules

Unfortunately there isn’t any API AFAIK that provides the information I wished to present (ideally all modules and for each module, all it’s publicly exposed functions/types/values). So I had to go down a route where I use a combination of the elm project file (elm-package.json) and artifacts (files) generated when you run elm-make on your elm project.

(defn- resolve-module-file [project-path pck-json package module version]                   (1)
  (->> pck-json
       (map #(files/join project-path
                         (str (s/replace module "." files/separator) ".elm")))
       (some #(if (files/exists? %) % nil))))

(defn- get-exposed-modules [project-path {:keys [package exact]}]                          (2)
  (let [pck-json (u/parse-json-file (files/join project-path
                                                package exact
    (->> pck-json
         (map (fn [x]
                {:name x
                 :packageName package
                 :version exact
                 :file (resolve-module-file project-path pck-json package x exact)})))))

(defn- get-package-modules [project-path]                                                 (3)
  (->> (u/get-project-deps project-path)
       (filter :exact)
       (mapcat (partial get-exposed-modules project-path))
       (sort-by :name)))

(defn- deduce-module-name [root-path elm-file-path]                                       (4)
  (-> elm-file-path
      (s/replace root-path "")
      (s/replace ".elm" "")
      (s/replace #"^/" "")
      (s/replace files/separator ".")))

(defn- get-project-modules [project-path]                                                 (5)
  (let [pck-json (u/parse-json-file (files/join project-path "elm-package.json"))]
    (->> (:source-directories pck-json)
         (mapcat (fn [dir]
                   (if (= dir ".")
                     (->> (files/ls project-path) ;; fixme: no nesting allowed to avoid elm-stuff etc
                          (filter #(= (files/ext %) "elm"))
                          (map (fn [x]
                                 {:name (deduce-module-name "" x)
                                  :file (files/join project-path x)})))
                     (->> (files/filter-walk #(= (files/ext %) "elm") (files/join project-path dir))
                          (map (fn [x]
                                 {:name (deduce-module-name (files/join project-path dir) x)
                                  :file x}))))))
         (map (fn [m]
                (assoc m :packageName (files/basename project-path) :version (:version pck-json))))
         (sort-by :name))))

(defn get-all-modules [project-path]                                                      (6)
    (get-project-modules project-path)
    (get-package-modules project-path)))
1 Helper function which tries to resolve the file for a Module from a 3rd party library
2 Every 3rd party library also comes with a elm-package.json that lists which module are publicly exposed. This helper function generates module info for all exposed modules from a 3rd party library
3 Given all defined project dependencies for a project at a given project-path this function generates module informaation for all this packages. It will only try to resolve modules which has a resolved version :exact, so there is a precondition that you have run either elm-package install or elm-make successfully on your project first.
4 deduce-module-name is a helper function which tries to deduce the module name for an Elm file in your project
5 Helper function that takes a simplistic approach to try to find all modules in you project and generate module information for them It uses the "source-directories" key in your project’s elm-package.json as a starting point.
6 The complete list of modules is a concatination of 3rd party modules and your project modules.
There are a few simplifications in this implementation that might yield incomplete results (and sometimes erronous). However for the majority of cases it should work fine.

Light Table sidebar

The module browser will live in the right sidebar in Light Table. The following code will construct the wrapper view and a Light Table object that will allow us to wire up the appropriate behaviors.

(defui wrapper [this]                                             (1)
   [:div {:id "elm-module-browser"} "Retrieving modules..."])

(object/object* ::modulebrowser                                   (2)
                :tags #{:elm.modulebrowser}
                :label "Elm module browser"
                :order 2
                :init (fn [this]
                        (wrapper this)))

(def module-bar (object/create ::modulebrowser))                  (3)

(sidebar/add-item sidebar/rightbar module-bar)                    (4)
1 Helper function to create a wrapper div which will host our module browser
2 A Light Table object (basically an ClojureScript atom) that allows us to tag behaviors.
3 The object above is instantiated at start up
4 We add the module bar to the right hand sidebar in Light Table

Light Table behaviors

(behavior ::clear!                                              (1)
          :triggers #{:clear!}
          :reaction (fn [this]
                      (cmd/exec! :close-sidebar)))

(behavior ::focus!                                              (2)
          :triggers #{:focus!}
          :reaction (fn [this]
                      (let [input (dom/$ "#elm-module-browser input")]
                        (.focus input))))

(behavior ::ensure-visible                                      (3)
          :triggers #{:ensure-visible}
          :reaction (fn [this]
                      (sidebar-cmd/ensure-visible this)))

(behavior ::show-project-modules                                (4)
          :triggers #{:show-project-modules}
          :reaction (fn [this prj-path]
                      (let [modules (get-all-modules prj-path)
                            el (dom/$ "#elm-module-browser")
                            mod-browser (.embed js/Elm js/Elm.ModuleBrowser el (clj->js {:modzPort []}))] (5)

                        (.send (.-modzPort (.-ports mod-browser)) (clj->js modules))   (6)

                        ;; set up port subscriptions

                        (.subscribe (.-changeSelection (.-ports mod-browser))          (7)
                                    (fn []
                                      (object/raise this :ensure-visible)))

                        (.subscribe (.-select (.-ports mod-browser))
                                    (fn [file]
                                      (cmd/exec! :open-path file)
                                      (object/raise this :clear!)))

                        (.subscribe (.-close (.-ports mod-browser))
                                    (fn []
                                      (object/raise this :clear!)))

                        (object/raise this :focus!))))

(behavior ::list-modules                                     (8)
          :triggers #{:editor.elm.list-modules}
          :reaction (fn [ed]
                      (when-let [prj-path (u/project-path (-> @ed :info :path))]
                          (object/raise sidebar/rightbar :toggle module-bar)
                          (object/raise module-bar :show-project-modules prj-path)))))

(cmd/command {:command :show-modulebrowser                  (9)
              :desc "Elm: Show module-browser"
              :exec (fn []
                      (when-let [ed (pool/last-active)]
                        (object/raise ed :editor.elm.list-modules)))})
1 This behavior basically closes the module browser sidebar when triggered
2 We need to be able to set focus to the search input field when we open the module browser
3 Helper behavior that ensures that the currently selected item in the module browser is visible on the screen. Ie it will scroll the div contents accordingly using a LT core helper function.
4 This is were we hook everything up. We gather the module information for the given project instantiate the Elm app, subscribe to outgoing messages(/signals!) and populate the module browser with the module list.
5 We start the elm app here and tells it to render in the wrapper div defined previously. We provide an initial value for the modzPort with an empty list. (Could have provided the gathered list modules here, but wanted to show how you send messages to a inbound Elm port explicitly. See next step)
6 To populate the module browser we send a message to the modzPort. Elm port thinks in JavaScript so we need to convert our list of ClojureScript maps to a list of JavaScript objects
7 To listen to events from the Elm app we call subscribe with a given callback function. In this example we trigger the ensure-visible behavior when the users moves the selection up or down, to ensure the selected item stays visible.
8 The behaviors above was tied(tagged) to the module-bar object, however this behavior is tagged to a currently opened and active elm editor object. Light Table has no concept of projects, so to deduce which project we should open the module browser for we need a starting point. Any elm file in your project will do. Based on that we can deduce the root project path. If we find a project we display the module bar view and trigger the behavior for populating the module browser.
9 Commands are the user interfacing functions that responds to user actions. They can be listed in the command bar in Light Table and you can assign shortcuts to them. The show-modulebrowser command triggers the list-modules behavior. Commands are available regardless of which editor you trigger them from, this is why we introduced the intermediary 'list-modules` behavior because that allows us to declaritly filter when this behavior will be triggered. You’ll see how when we describe behaviors wiring in Light Table.

Wiring up LT behaviors

In our plugin behaviors file we need to wire up our behaviors.

[:editor.elm :lt.plugins.elm-light.modulebrowser/list-modules]       (1)
[:elm.modulebrowser :lt.plugins.elm-light.modulebrowser/clear!]      (2)
[:elm.modulebrowser :lt.plugins.elm-light.modulebrowser/show-project-modules]
[:elm.modulebrowser :lt.plugins.elm-light.modulebrowser/focus!]
[:elm.modulebrowser :lt.plugins.elm-light.modulebrowser/ensure-visible]
1 Here we tell Light Table that only editor objects with the tag :editor.elm will respond with the list-modules behavior we described earlier
2 Similaritly the other behaviors will only be triggerd by objects tagged with :elm-modulebrowser. In our case that would be the module-bar object we defined.
Why all this ceremony with behaviors ?

Flexibility! It allows us to easily turn on/off features while Light Table is running. If you wish you could quite easily create your own implementation for a behavior and replace the one supplied by the plugin. Or maybe you’d like to do something in addition for a given behavior trigger.


Okay let’s be honest. We haven’t set the world alight with a killer feature that couldn’t be accomplished quite easily without Elm. Neither have we created an advanced demo for Elm and ClojureScript integration. But we’ve certainly proven that it’s possible and it wasn’t particularily difficult. It somehow feels better with an Elm plugin that has Elm as part of it’s implementation.

You can do some pretty awesomly advanced UI’s with Elm and combing it with ClojureScript is definitely feasible. I’ll leave it to you to evaluate if that would ever make sense to do though !

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