27 March 2015

Tags: clojure clojurescript date

Have you ever faced frustrating issues when using dates in your clojure stack ? If I mention java.util.Date, java.sql.Date/java.sql.Timestamp clj-time, json/ISO-8601 and UTC/Timezones, does your bloodpressure rise slightly ?

This is the blog post I wished I had several weeks back to save me from some of the date pains my current project has been through.


A little while back date handling started to become a nightmare in my current project. We have a stack with a ClojureScript frontend, a clojure WebApp and a couple of clojure microservices apps using Oracle as a data store.

We decided pretty early on to use clj-time. It’s a really quite nice wrapper on top of joda-time. But we didn’t pay much attention to how dates should be read/written to Oracle or how we should transmit dates across process boundaries. Timezones is another issue we didn’t worry to much about either.

You will probably not regret using an UTC timezone for your Servers and Database. This post puts it succinctly. Your webclient(s) though is out of your control !

I’m sure some of the measures we have taken can be solved more elegantly, but hopefully you might find some of them useful.

Reading from/writing to the database

We use clojure/java.jdbc for our database integration. Here’s how we managed to simplify reading and writing dates/datetimes.

(ns acme.helpers.db
  (:import [java.sql PreparedStatement])
  (:require [acme.util.date :as du]
            [clj-time.coerce :as c]
            [clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]))

(extend-protocol jdbc/IResultSetReadColumn                                (1)
  (result-set-read-column [v _ _] (c/from-sql-date v))                    (2)

  (result-set-read-column [v _ _] (c/from-sql-time v)))

(extend-type org.joda.time.DateTime                                       (3)
  (set-parameter [v ^PreparedStatement stmt idx]
    (.setTimestamp stmt idx (c/to-sql-time v))))                          (4)
1 We extend the protocol for reading objects from the java.sql.ResultSet. In our case we chose to treat java.sql.Date and java.sql.Timestamp in the same manner
2 clj-time provides some nifty coercion functions including the facility to coerce from sql dates/times to DateTime
3 We extend the DateTime class (which is final btw!) with the ISQLParameter protocol. This is a protocol for setting SQL parameters in statement objects.
4 We explicitly call setTimestamp on the prepared statement with a DateTime coerced to a java.sqlTimestamp as our value

Now we can interact with oracle without being bothered with java.sql.Date and java.sql.Timestamp malarkey.

It’s vital that you require the namespace you have the above incantations, before doing any db interactions. Might be evident, but it’s worth emphasizing.
Clojure protocols are pretty powerful stuff. It’s deffo on my list of clojure things I need to dig deeper into.

Dates across process boundaries

Our services unsurpringly uses JSON as the data exchange format. I suppose the defacto standard date format is ISO-8601, it makes sence to use that. It so happens this is the standard format for DateTime when you stringify it.

You might want to look into transit. It would probably have been very useful for us :)

Outbound dates

(ns acme.core
  (:require [clojure.data.json :as json]
            [clj-time.coerce :as c]))

(extend-type org.joda.time.DateTime           (1)
  (-write [date out]
    (json/-write (c/to-string date) out)))    (2)
1 Another extend of DateTime, this time with the JSONWriter protocol.
2 When serializing DateTime to json we coerce it to string. clj-time.coerce luckily uses the ISO-8601 format as default

Inbound dates

(ns acme.util.date
  (:require [clj-time.core :as t]
            [clj-time.format :as f]
            [clj-time.coerce :as c]))

(def iso-date-pattern (re-pattern "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}.*"))

(defn date? [date-str]                                                         (1)
  (when (and date-str (string? date-str))
    (re-matches iso-date-pattern date-str)))

(defn json->datetime [json-str]
  (when (date? json-str)
    (if-let [res (c/from-string json-str)]                                     (2)
      nil))) ;; you should probably throw an exception or something here !

(defn datetimeify [m]
  (let [f (fn [[k v]]
            (if (date? v)
              [k (json->datetime v)]                                           (3)
              [k v]))]
    (clojure.walk/postwalk (fn [x] (if (map? x) (into {} (map f x)) x)) m)))
1 A crude helper function to check if a given value is a date. There is a lot that passes through as valid ISO-8601 we settled for atleast a minimum of YYYY-MM-DD
2 Coerces a string to a DateTime, the coercion will return nil if it can’t be coerced, that’s probably worth an exception
3 Traverse a arbitrary nested map and coerce values that (most likely) are dates
Hook up middleware
(defn wrap-date [handler]                                     (1)
  (fn [req]
    (handler (update-in req [:params] (datetimeify %)))))

def app (-> routes
            wrap-date                                         (2)
1 Middleware that calls our helper function to coerce dates with the request map as input
2 Hook up the middleware

Handling dates in the webclient

We have a ClojureScript based client so it made sense for us to use cljs-time. It’s very much inspired by clj-time, but there are some differences. The most obvious one is that there is no jodatime, so Google Closure goog.date is used behind the scenes.

So how do we convert to and from the iSO-8601 string based format in our client ?

Surprisingly similar to how we do it on the server side as it happens !

;; require similar to the ones on the server side. cljs-time. rather than clj-time.

(defn datetimes->json [m]                                                       (1)
  (let [f (fn [[k v]]
            (if (instance? goog.date.Date v)                                    (2)
              [k (c/to-string v)]
              [k v]))]
    (clojure.walk/postwalk (fn [x] (if (map? x) (into {} (map f x)) x)) m)))

;; AJAX/HTTP Utils

(defn resp->view [resp]                                                         (3)
  (-> resp
      (update-in [:headers] #(keywordize-keys %))
      (assoc-in [:body] (-> resp datetimeify :body))))                          (4)

(defn view->req [params]                                                        (5)
  (-> params
      datetimes->json))                                                         (6)
1 Function that traverses a nested map and converts from DateTime to ISO-8601
2 Almost an instanceOf check to decide if the value is eligible for coercion
3 Handy function to transform an ajax response to something appropriate for use in our client side logic
4 datetimeify is identical to our server side impl
5 Handy function to take a map, typically request params, and transform to something appropriate for communication with a backend server. If you are using something like cljs-http it might be appropriate to hook it in as a middleware.
6 Coerce any DateTime values to ISO-8601 date strings
What about timezones on the client ? The default for the datetime constructor in cljs-time is to use UTC. So when displaying time and/or accepting date with time input from the client you need to convert to/from the appropriate timezone.
(ns acme.client
  (:require [cljs-time.format :as f]
            [cljs-time.core :as t]))

(def sample (t/now)) ;; lets say 2015-03-27T00:53:38.950Z

(->> sample
     t/to-default-time-zone                          ; UTC+1 for me
     (f/unparse (f/formatter "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm")))   ; => 27.03.2015 01:53


Using clojure protocols we managed to simplify reading and writing date(times) to the database. Protocols also helped us serialize date(times) to json. For reading json we had to hack it a little bit. By using fairly similar libs for dates on both the client and our server apps we managed to reuse quite a bit. In addition We have reasonable control of where we need to compensate for timezones. Most importantly though, our server-side and client-side logic can work consistently with a sensible and powerful date implementation.

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