19 January 2015

Tags: clojure boot.clj

A little background

A few weeks back I noticed a tweet about boot-clj. This weekend I finally had some time to look into whether it could be a viable alternative to Leiningen for our apps or not. We have a couple of ring based apps running as uberjars, so I decided to try to make a boot build for one of the projects. For the purpose of this blogpost however I’ve created a sample app. Source available on github

Why bother with an alternative when there is Leiningen ?

I haven’t been in the clojuresphere all that long. I do have a history as java and groovy developer and have been through a history of using ant, maven and lately gradle for my builds. In terms of development experience Leiningen is definately a step up from all of them. However I feel Leiningen has left me longing as soon as my builds have become a bit more elaborate (testing javascript, transpiling, create artifacts, upload to repo, run migrations deploy to different environments etc). I’m sure all of this is achievable with Lein, but is it really architected to excel for that purpose ? TBH I’d love to see gradle get some serious clojure love, but it doesn’t seem to be coming anytime soon. Maybe boot will be my next build tooling love :)

Reading up a bit on boot checked a few boxes for some of my longings though:
  • Your build doesn’t have to be all declarative

  • Sensible abstractions and libraries to allow you to compose and extend your build using the full power of clojure

  • Compose build pipelines somewhat similar to how you would compose middlewares in ring

  • Task is the fundamental building block

  • Tasks typically works on immutable filesets (files treated as values, you never touch the filesystem directly yourself !)

  • Possibility of complete classpath isolation at task level

  • Great repl and commandline support.

  • …​ and surely a lots more

Lein → Boot

Leningen project


(defproject boot-sample "0.1.0"
  :description "Boot sample application"
  :url "https://github.com/rundis/boot-sample"
  :min-lein-version "2.0.0"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
                 [compojure "1.2.1"]
                 [liberator "0.12.2"]
                 [ring/ring-jetty-adapter "1.3.1"]
                 [ring/ring-json "0.3.1"]
                 [bouncer "0.3.1"]
                 [io.aviso/pretty "0.1.14"]]
  :ring {:handler boot-sample.core/app                       (1)
         :port 3360}
  :profiles {:dev {:plugins [[lein-ring "0.8.13"]]
                   :test-paths ^:replace []}
             :test {:dependencies [[midje "1.6.3"]]
                    :plugins [[lein-midje "3.1.3"]]
                    :test-paths ["test"]
                    :resource-paths ["test/resources"]}})
  1. The entry point for my ring app

The above project is a really simple project definition. To run my app I just have to execute:

lein ring uberjar
java -jar target/boot-sample-0.1.0-standalone.jar


(ns boot-sample.core
  (:require [ring.middleware.params :refer [wrap-params]]
            [ring.middleware.keyword-params :refer [wrap-keyword-params]]
            [ring.middleware.json :refer [wrap-json-params]]
            [compojure.core :refer [defroutes ANY GET]]
            [liberator.core :refer [defresource resource]]))

(defn index-handler [req]
  "Hello Boot sample (or maybe Lein still)")

(defresource booters
  :available-media-types       ["application/json"]
  :allowed-methods             [:get]
  :handle-ok                   (fn [ctx] [{:id "Pod1"} {:id "Pod 2"}]))

(defroutes app-routes
  (ANY "/" [] index-handler)
  (ANY "/booters" [] booters))

(def app (-> app-routes

Hey. Hang on. There is no main method here, how can the java -jar command work without one ? Well, because the ring plugin creates one for us.

cat target classes/boot_sample/core/main.clj

gives us

  (clojure.core/ns boot-sample.core.main
   (:require ring.server.leiningen)
  (clojure.core/defn -main []
     (quote {:ring {:auto-reload? false,
                    :stacktraces? false,
                    :open-browser? false,
                    :port 3360,
                    :handler boot-sample.core/app}}))))

That’s useful to know in case boot-clj doesn’t happen to have a ring task that does something similar.

Boot me up

Boot comes with a range of predefined tasks that I can compose to get quite close to the Leiningen build above. I’ll focus on getting that uberjar up and running.

I could have done it all on the command line or in the boot repl, but lets just be a little declarative (still functions don’t worry!).


 :resource-paths #{"src"}                                (1)
 :dependencies '[[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
                 [compojure "1.2.1"]
                 [liberator "0.12.2"]
                 [ring/ring-jetty-adapter "1.3.1"]
                 [ring/ring-json "0.3.1"]
                 [bouncer "0.3.1"]
                 [io.aviso/pretty "0.1.14"]])

 pom {:project 'boot-Sample
      :version "0.1.0"}
 aot {:namespace '#{boot-sample.core}}                  (2)
 jar {:main 'boot_sample.core                           (3)
      :manifest {"Description" "Sample boot app"
                 "Url" "https://github.com/rundis/boot-sample"}})

(deftask build
  "Build uberjar"
  (comp (aot) (pom) (uber) (jar)))
  1. To bundle your sources in the output jar, you have to specify src as a resource-path. A small gotcha there.

  2. We need to aot our core.clj namespace so that java -jar can invoke it’s main method

  3. We need to help java -jar with the location of our main class in the jar

However you might remember from above that there is no main method in core.clj. So the last piece of the puzzle is to add one. It’t not that hard.

(ns boot-sample.core
  (:require [ring.middleware.params :refer [wrap-params]]
            [ring.middleware.keyword-params :refer [wrap-keyword-params]]
            [ring.middleware.json :refer [wrap-json-params]]
            [compojure.core :refer [defroutes ANY GET]]
            [liberator.core :refer [defresource resource]]
            [ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty])                                (1)
  (:gen-class))                                                            (2)

;; ... the other stuff

(defn -main []
  (jetty/run-jetty app {:port 3360}))                                     (3)
  1. Using the jetty ring adapter

  2. The :gen-class directive generates the necessary stuff for our main method to be invokable from java during aot compilation

  3. Fire away


At the time of writing there was a regression in boot that caused aot to fail. I needed to build boot from source, should be fixed in the next release though.

git clone git@github.com:boot-clj/boot.git
cd boot/boot/core
lein install

Now all is set to try it out:

boot build
java -jar target/boot-sample-0.1.0.jar

All is well then ?

Unfortunately not quite. For uberjar projects it seems boot-clj at the time of writing has some serious performance challenges.

On my machine generating the uberjar takes:
  • Leiningen : 12 seconds

  • boot-clj : 46 seconds !

It’s not like Leiningen is lightning fast in the first place. But for this scenario boot just doesn’t cut it. I reported an issue and got prompt responses from the developers which can only be a good sign.

Concluding remarks

My initial question of whether or not I feel we could use boot for our current projects gets a thumbs down for now.

I think boot-clj carries a lot of promise and have some really great ideas. It’s going to be interesting to see if boot-clj becomes a viable alternative to leiningen. I suppose a porting and/or interop story with lein and lein plugins might be needed in addition to maturing both the model and obviously its performance characteristics.

I’m certainly keen on trying it out more. I might try out the clojurescript support next and maybe churn out some custom tasks just for fun.

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