(defn run-groovy[{:keys [path name client] :as info}]
(let [obj (object/create ::connecting-notifier info)
client-id (clients/->id client)
project-dir (files/parent path)]
(object/merge! client {:port tcp/port
:proc obj})
(notifos/working "Connecting..")
(proc/exec {:command binary-path
:args [tcp/port client-id project-dir]
:cwd plugin-dir
:env {"GROOVY_PATH" (files/join (files/parent path))}
:obj obj})))
(defn check-groovy[obj]
(assoc obj :groovy (or (::groovy-exe @groovy)
(.which shell "groovy"))))
(defn check-server[obj]
(assoc obj :groovy-server (files/exists? server-path)))
(defn handle-no-groovy [client]
(clients/rem! client)
(popup/popup! {:header "We couldn't find Groovy."
:body "In order to evaluate in Groovy files, Groovy must be installed and on your system PATH."
:buttons [{:label "Download Groovy"
:action (fn []
(platform/open "http://gvmtool.net/"))}
{:label "ok"}]}))
(defn notify [obj]
(let [{:keys [groovy path groovy-server client]} obj]
(or (not groovy) (empty? groovy)) (do (handle-no-groovy client))
:else (run-groovy obj))
(defn check-all [obj]
(-> obj
(defn try-connect [{:keys [info]}]
(.log js/console (str "try connect" info))
(let [path (:path info)
client (clients/client! :groovy.client)]
(check-all {:path path
:client client})
(object/object* ::groovy-lang
:tags #{:groovy.lang})
(def groovy (object/create ::groovy-lang))
(scl/add-connector {:name "Groovy"
:desc "Select a directory to serve as the root of your groovy project... then again it might not be relevant..."
:connect (fn []
(dialogs/dir groovy :connect))})
(behavior ::connect
:triggers #{:connect}
:reaction (fn [this path]
(try-connect {:info {:path path}})))